
Sunday 25 August 2013

My New Garden : Progress 17 - Jan-Dec 2012

"If we love our children
we must love the earth with tender care
and pass it on, diverse and beautiful,
so that on a warm spring day
10 000 years hence
they can feel peace in a sea of grass,
can watch a bee visit a flower,
can hear a sandpiper call in the sky,
and can find joy in being alive"
- Hugh Ilitis 

January - in the full heat of summer...

February - a dead tree - I seem to have lost one of my White Karee's. but the Fiscal Shrike certainly loves the vantage point...

After the rain, self-seeding Marigolds have spread all over the garden and mushrooms on the lawn...

March - a quiet month with lots of rain and green lawns ...

April - a cooling down of the hot summer days...

June - clear blue skies, bare branches and winter in full swing

The Echeverias looking great and the Tree Fuchsia (just to the right behind the pot) still bright and green

July - cold, frosty days and Aloes in full flower...

A winter chore, adding some crusher stone to the edges of beds to liven things up a bit (and also to act as a deterrent for the chickens having a sand bath)

Adding a basket, some ornaments and crusher stone to a shady empty spot...

August - and spring is in the air! Peach blossoms and my Aloe ferox still flowering...

September - the first rains of the season and the Arum lilies, which have spread beautifully, still flowering...

October - beautiful weather and time for a new garden path...

November - mid-summer and still lots of rain...

December - a beautiful end to the year...

The Agapanthus are in full bloom...

The Fiscal Shrike has her larder in the White Stinkwood (Celtis africana)...

... and enjoys a snack at one of the bird tables

Aaaah, Christmas roses! (Hydranges) in full bloom, telling us the festive season is here!

And so ends my progress report on 9 years of gardening in my "new garden", which is from now on going to be referred to as "my garden", plain and simple. Hope you had a lovely 2012, like I did, and see you a bit later!
