
Thursday 22 June 2023

Evening gardening


I love being in the garden just after sunset when it's cooler (the Coastal heat can really get to me) and I think the plants agree. 

Even the Chlorophytum (Hen & Chicks or Spider Plant) is perky and opened up after looking very withered and dried up this afternoon. The Spekboom in the back-ground has grown beautifully tall over the last 2 years, and maybe soon I'll have some shade in this hot, West-facing garden.

Coral Aloe (Aloe striata) in a pot and Mother-in-Law's Tongue in the back-ground.

The thick wide leaves of the Coral Aloe are smoother than the more typically serrated or spined varieties typically found on aloe species. Flowering in the later winter and early spring months, the eye-catching coral red blooming inflorescences bring colour to a garden when it's needed most.

It forms in clumps and usually won't grow higher than tree feet in height. Unlike many aloes, it's a solitary species that doesn't grow offsets that can be replanted, therefore it makes an excellent pot subject. It seems to be very slow=growing and I'm really looking forward to the day it flowers.

(Pics taken with iPhone 11 Pro)