It is apparent that no lifetime is long enough in which to explore the resources of a few square yards of ground.
- Alice M. Coats
After having completed the initial layout and set up of my new garden last year, things are starting to look a bit better now at the beginning of 2005, and with all the holidays being finished and things starting to get back to normal again, the work-in-progress can be continued. Must say, the holidays were a nice break, kept me out of the sun during December and as I loathe wearing a hat, as soon as cooler days start setting in, I'm in the garden like a shot.

JANUARY 2005 -
After a wonderful rainy season, some of the trees are already flowering - the Acacia Karoo delighted with it's fat thorns (a sign of lots of water) and beautiful yellow pom-poms.
In the area where I decided to make an indigenous grass area, all the grasses were also seeding and flowering.

The Indigenous grasses flowering

February 2005 - garden taking shape and pathway actually becoming visible!

February, and everything taking shape very nicely.

The sword ferns enjoying the shade under the White Karees

March 2005 - Grasses at the edge of the pathway, which will soon be beautiful!

Added some old dead logs and more rocks which really started attracting insects and lizards...

A seed from the Black Karee took root next to the log...

Placed some rocks next to the Echevarias...