Sunday, 15 September 2013

Summer is back!

Summer is back! and even though winter was extremely mild, and spring seemed to last only two weeks, it’s something to really be grateful for. I’ve missed my usual garden chores, although it didn’t stop completely during winter – just slowed down to the minimum. Now it’s time for watering cans, gloves and hats once more and trying to make sense of what has survived and what didn’t make it. 

It’s also time for relaxing on the patio, sipping a glass of cold water, camera or sketch-book in hand to record the goings-on of all the garden birds. 

The Black-headed Oriole, who was a constant visitor during the winter, has now brought his wife along and I’m hoping they’ll find a nesting spot here instead of across the road in the blue gum bush where I see them heading off to after they’ve had their fill of fruit at the feed table. 

We’ve had our first rains yesterday (14th Sept 2013) and finally the dust has settled and everything is sparkling and fresh. No matter how much you irrigate or stand with the hosepipe watering the garden, after just 2mm of rain everything seems to blossom and smile.

As I live in a summer rainfall area, dust is a major problem during winter. 

I’m a great admirer of minimalistic décor but I also have this problem – I’m a hoarder of note and have collections of “stuff” everywhere, so dusting really does turn into a major job! Every winter I promise myself I’m going to scale down and every summer I find more wonderful things to collect and display! 

A plate filled with a collection of seed pods, wasps' nests, dried oak leaves, antelope dung and a large piece of Rhino dung found on a friend’s farm. 

Summer Light - Thru the Trees 
Summer Light - Spotted Me 
Summer Light - Palest Gold 
Summer Light - Bright and Bold

I Saw Summer Light Descend 
Summer Light, Made Shadows Bend 
Summer Light, On An Emerald Pond 
I Reached Out… It Touched My Palm 

 I Love Summer Light 
- MoonBee Canady 


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