"Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom."
-- Marcel Proust
August has arrived, with all the winds it brings, and hopefully Spring is already peeping through. We've just had our first spring rains on the 1st August and within a week all the peach trees were dressed in their beautiful pink blossoms, but within 2 weeks, the August winds had all but blown all of them off.

August 2009: The Acacias at the pond are still splendidly dressed in their white Winter thorns and provide a safe haven for many a bird trying to get out of the Fiscal Shrike's way, but also serves as her larder, where she spikes many insects on the thorns for later consumption.

The aloes putting on a beautiful show, as usual, throughout the Winter.

Beginning-August : These Butterfly bushes (Buddleia Salvifolia) will shortly be covered in dense white flowers, inviting all the butterflies in the area for a snack and safe egg hosting.

The pond still devoid of any greenery apart from the Eugenia on the left and the Butterfly bushes on the right.

Torti (my Leopard tortoise) spent most of the winter hibernating in her home-made nest at the pond.

The Tiger Grass hit by the frost, but luckily it springs back to life with the first rains although it does need to be cut back.
A new little water feature I added next to the pathway
My faithful gardener, Chrissie, who tends to it all
I planted these Black Karees and Celtises about 2 seasons ago in an empty corner next to the pond and they're starting to take shape. Need to start trimming and forming them into shape soon.
More of the Aloes - As with every winter, the Aloes were not a disappointment this year. I've never actually seen them so full of flowers.
Bees flitting around the Aloes caught my attention, and just before taking the close-up of these bees making full use of collecting the available nectar, I missed the Black Sunbird taking his fill. I've been waiting for them to enjoy this luscious smorgasbord.
I placed some logs next to the pathway in various spots.

The Cycad made it through the winter - Cycas revoluta (Sago palm)

The beautiful Feather grass turns big and bushy every winter

My Secretary birds standing proud under the Black Karees - maybe they need a coat of varnish?

End-August : The Butterfly Bushes in full flower (Buddleia salvifolia) - all the grass around the pond is still yellow and dead

Butterfly bush flowers

The aloes are still lingering in their last glory

The patio desperately needs new varnish! Next on my list...

The area for the new rain garden now in progress. Lawn removed and will be adding compost, rocks, pebbles and water-loving plants.