"Tread softly!" a signpost in my garden reads: "Your feet are killing me!"

The Garden on a quiet April night
Thank heavens this 2005 Winter seemed extremely mild, because our area, Tarlton, gets severe frost regularly, wiping out anything that's remotely marked as frost-tender, and by beginning-July most of the trees already had blossoms and tiny leaf buds.
The lawn is taking a bit longer and it's amazing that, no matter how much you water, with the first rains, no matter how little, everything springs to life.

The White Karees have done well this summer and are well-prepared for the coming winter.

Even the Euphorbia pulled through

July and mid-Winter - things are looking decidedly dry. the lawn is dry and yellow and didn't even put up a fight against the severe frost we're having.

It's August, spring is looming and the Sword Ferns and Hen & Chickens were almost wiped out completely.

Some of the Acacias look worse for the wear, but tiny green leaves are already sprouting!

I forgot to move My Old Man cactus under-roof, but didn't seem to mind the cold and even seems a couple of centimeters taller, but the frost got the one Coco Splumosa, below.

These little Phormiums are truly wonderful, don't seem to get affected by cold, wind, water or drought. Must actually plant some more of them.

The old peach tree, which I didn't have the heart to remove, was already covered in pink blossoms early in July and now, in August, already has most its leaves.