I sit here before the world, a very fickle person. Somehow I thought that I would be able to quit having so many blogs (Iâve got 28!), keeping only those important to me and deleting the rest. In stead, I make most âprivateâ every now and then, but just for a while before making it public again, confusing the hell out of Google Analytics! On and off. On and off.
The problem is, I canât stand to see a âpublicâ blog just lying there, with the last post being a year ago. One of my pet peeves is finding a wonderful blog, only to discover that it has been abandoned. I know that one changes, that one loses interest in a certain topic. Thatâs life. Life changes constantly and what I was interested in five years ago might not be applicable now anymore. But why donât people then just delete it? Why donât
I just delete it, especially those that donât get many hits and donât seem to interest anybody?
One reason could be that I want to keep the blog URL. Once you delete it, itâs gone forever. Another reason is that I just LOVE designing blog templates. I get great pleasure out of designing and manipulating the html code to see what I can come up with. And once I come up with something I like, I donât want to let go of it! Another problem is, I have s-o-o-o-o-o-o many interests. Art, nature, gardening, jewelry making, collecting aloes and succulents, books and reading, insects, cooking (only of late), animals and wildlife, birds, my chickens, and thoughts on the Universe as a whole. And Iâve got enough thoughts and experiences for each topic to warrant its own blog. Iâve thought of putting everything on just one blog, but Iâve been told that blog readers are very specific. They have their topics and interests, and only want to read about that. So if youâre a chicken-lover and there are many other posts on all sorts of other random topics, they donât return to that blog.
Another part of the problem as to why I canât delete any blogs might also be that, in real life, Iâm a hoarder. Donât get me wrong, not as in those âHoardersâ TV programmes, but as in âcollectingâ things - feathers, stones, pebbles, pieces of driftwood, shells, notebooks, journals, fountain pens, crystals, pieces of wire and wood (thereâs always some building project going on somewhere here on the smallholding, so just in case I need it), even cardboard boxes, in case I need to pack something away.
In the dĂŠcor of my home Iâm quite disciplined - I wonât display too much at one time, rather pack away a few things and bring out something new for a change. So there Iâm OK, but my MAC is groaning under the weight of files, images, blogs and other useless information that Iâve collected over the years. A lot of it is necessary, like business and personal files, and as for the rest, itâs time for a clean-up. Fairly easy to do, just a bit time-consuming, but then, the internet is so full of wonderful stuff that needs collecting again!
Thank heavens Blogger allows you 100 free blogs! lol!
Would you like to see all sorts of other random topics on this gardening blog� Let me have your thoughts, thanks!